Ear Hair Removal: The Definitive Guide + What Not To Do
Ear hair can be a bit of an embarrassment for many men and women. It's one of those things that people often try to hide, but it's hard to do when it's sticking out like a sore thumb. If you're looking for a definitive guide on removing ear hair, you've come to the right place. We'll discuss the different methods that are available to you, as well as what not to do. So with that being said, let's get right into it.
Why Do We Have Ear Hair?
We have ear hair because it is a natural defense against bacteria, parasites, and dirt from getting into your ear canal and causing damage. Combined with ear wax, you have a recipe for the perfect natural defense system.
What Causes Ear Hair Growth?
Ear hair growth comes down to multiple factors, including genetics, but some doctors believe that men who have more testosterone as they age have higher levels of DHT, which causes more hair growth all over the body, including the ears.

Can You Permanently Remove Ear Hair?
Laser hair removal treatments are the best way to remove ear hair permanently. Yes, they even have that for your ears now. It's a very safe and painless method of permanently removing ear hair. The only downside to laser hair removal is the cost. Prices vary but are usually in the thousands of dollars.
The Worst Ear Hair Removal Methods
Before we talk about the best ways to remove your ear hair, we believe it's essential to discuss what not to do. Some of these methods are very common and seem harmless; however, you could be causing damage to your ear.
Plucking Ear Hair
This is something a lot of people do and believe is harmless, but plucking ear hair can cause damage to your ear. When you pluck ear hair, you are doing microscopic damage to the soft skin inside the ear canal, which can cause an infection. Plucking your ear hair also increases the chance of ingrown hairs. Not to mention it hurts a lot!
Waxing Ear Hair
This method can be safe if you are working with a licensed professional, but trying to wax your ears yourself can be very harmful. If you don't know what you are doing when it comes to ear waxing, you could end up tearing the sensitive skin inside the ear canal, which could lead to infection. Another hazard is placing too much hot wax inside the ear and damaging your eardrums. Even if you do it correctly, waxing still increases the chance of ingrown hairs, so overall; we say skip this one.
Hair Removal Cream
While hair removal creams are considered safe, they are not recommended for ears. Using hair removal creams in the ear can become a hazard if you place too much cream inside your ear and it becomes stuck in the back of the ear. This cream can damage your skin and cause hearing problems.
The Best Ear Hair Removal Methods
Ok! So now that you know what to avoid let's talk about the methods that work and what we recommend.
Trimming Ear Hair
Trimming ear hair is the safest and least intrusive way of removing ear hair. Small trimmers like the Brio Nose and Ear Trimmer are specifically designed to cut ear hair. They feature small guards around the trimming blade that will prevent you from getting cuts on the ears. Trimmers are affordable and don't increase any risk of infections or ingrown hairs like waxing or plucking does.
Cutting Ear Hair
Another great option is using small grooming clippers. Make sure to get the clippers that feature a rounded tip, so you don't end up poking yourself and causing harm. This is a slower option than using an electric trimmer, but you don't have to worry about keeping them charged, and they are a good option if you only need to cut a few hairs.
Laser Ear Hair Removal
Laser ear hair removal is the only permanent option available. It is a safe procedure if performed by a trained physician. The main downside to laser hair removal is the cost. You might also have to perform multiple operations to remove all the hair, but if you want that ear hair gone for good, this is a great option.

How To Trim Ear Hair
Trimming your ears seems straightforward, and it is, but there are a few things you want to consider when trimming your ear hair.
What You Will Need
- Electric Ear Trimmer
- Grooming Scissors (Optional)
Step 1. Trim The Outside of Your Ears
The outside of your ears is probably the most overlooked area. You might be surprised by the amount of hair you have growing there. Even if you don't see any hair right away, you might have tiny clear hairs that become obvious with a light source behind your ears. So take your trimmer and slowly trim the outside edges of your ear on both sides.
Some men even grow hair behind their ears. The most common area for hair growth is where your ear meets your head. So if you notice any hairs hiding out in those areas, go ahead and trim those away.
Step 2. Trim The Ear Cavity
Ok, next, it's time to trim the interior of your ear. Start with your electrical trimmer and begin to trim the lower area of the ear where hair most often grows. There is no perfect technique, just get in there and trim until you don't notice any more hair.
You can also go by the sound of your trimmer; if you hear a scratching sound created by your electric trimmer, it is cutting hair. If you place your ear trimmer in a location and you don't notice any scratching sounds, you have most likely cut all the hair in that location.
Keep in mind not to stick the trimmer or grooming scissors too far into the ear canal itself. This is another reason we like electric trimmers; you usually can't fit the tip of an electric trimmer too far down your ear. If you are using grooming scissors, you need to be more careful because you could damage your ear drum if you go too far.
Step 3. Finishing Touches
Ok! Your ears should be looking nice in clean. Before you leave the bathroom, turn your head left and right facing the mirror and make sure you got all the visible hairs. If you missed any, then go back and take care of those with your electric ear trimmer or grooming scissors.
There might also be some leftover fallen hairs in the ear cavity and neck, so remove those with your finger or an electric ear cleaner. For the hair on your neck and shirt, make sure to brush those off before heading out.
That's it! You should be a new man!
How Often Should You Trim Ear Hair?
You should trim your ear hair about once every two weeks. But if you are admiring yourself during your daily grooming routine and notice a couple of hairs sticking out, then go ahead and use your trimmer to get those cut.
Cleaning Your Ears
Whenever you are doing your bi-weekly ear hair trimming, it's a good idea to clean your ears. Over time your ears build up wax which can cause your trimmer blades to jump, not to mention excessive ear wax build-up can cause blockages and could impede proper hearing.
When cleaning your ears, make sure never to use ear q-tips or cotton swabs. The American Academy of Otolaryngology state that using q-tips can pose a serious risk of damage to the eardrum and ear bones.
Instead, you can use electric ear cleaners. These devices remove ear wax and debris in the ear without jamming material further down your ear cavity or posing any risk of ear damage.
That was our guide to ear hair removal! We hope you found this blog valuable. One of the biggest takeaways should be never to pluck ear hair. I know it's tempting, but it has some real risks associated with it, so next time you see one of those curly hairs stick out of your ear, grab your trimmer and not your tweezers.
Thanks for reading!