Top 20 Beard Styles For Bald Men 2023

A bald head and a beard are potent combinations that can exude masculinity and style. While it may not be for everyone, the beard-and-bald Look has become increasingly popular in recent years.
This is because a well-groomed beard can complement a bald head and draw attention away from hair loss or a receding hairline. In this article, we will explore the top 20 beard styles for bald men to help you find the perfect combination for your personal style.
Top 20 Beard Styles For Bald Men
There are alot of different beard styles out there, but some work better than others for bald men. here are our top pics for the best beard styles for bald men.
The Corporate Beard
The corporate beard is a soft, clean, and well-groomed style that has become popular recently. The corporate beard is characterized by hair that covers the entire chin with a defined mustache. To get this LookLook, we recommend growing your facial hair for several months until it reaches its maximum fullness. After that, trim only its bottom half with an electric trimmer so that it sits in short waves along your jawline. Then use scissors or an electric trimmer to shape your goatee and create parallel lines on either side of your face.
Credit: christian_aka_xn
The stubble Look
The stubble look is always dependable since it adds a casual side to any style. In addition to looking great, the stubble look is low maintenance. You only need an electric shaver and hair clippers for a tremendous and masculine look. You'll need to keep your stubble short so that it can define your jawline clearly, but don't go overboard - you don't want your beard-and-bald combination to turn into a hipster look! To perfect the stubble look, we recommend using an electric shaver with an adjustable length setting of 1.5mm or 2mm, depending on personal preference and facial hair growth rate.
Credit: scott_the_barber_
The Circle Beard
The circle beard is one of the most popular beard styles for bald men. The circular beard is defined by a smooth, level, and full outline that flows from the chin down to the neckline. Carefully outline your jawline with a firm, short beard to get the circular shape. Once you have mastered the shape, trim your hair to about 3mm in length to stay out of your face and leave a clean line around your jawline.
Credit: the_simple_and_sinister
The Classic Goatee
The classic goatee is a combination of the circle beard and the mustache. It is characterized by a smooth and defining line connecting your chin to your jawline, with the most significant part of the beard being under your chin. A goatee works best with a bald head because its defining outline will balance out the bottom half of your face and make it look less heavy. When you are shaping your goatee, keep in mind that a well-groomed goatee requires frequent trims to maintain its shape.
Credit: scott_the_barber_
Thin Goatee
A thin goatee is an ideal option for bald men who want to enhance the masculinity of their facial features. To get the best results, we recommend using a trimmer with guard settings that range from 1mm to 3mm. Trim your beard straight and even, then shape the ends into a point. The key is to maintain the LookLook of a strong jawline on your face.
Credit: brandenmitch
The Viking Beard
The Viking beard combines a short beard and a goatee that typically extends to the chin. We recommend trimming your hair length to around 4mm, so it doesn't extend below your jawline and cover your throat. Then, draw the ends of your beard towards your chin with a firm grip so that they are more prominent than the rest of the skin on your face. Finally, shape the ends with an electric trimmer or scissors to get beautiful lines around your jawline.
Credit: Beard4all
The Short Viking Beard
The short Viking beard is a popular choice for bald men with a receding hairline. It is characterized by a short beard that extends to just above the chin and does not stray below the jawline. To maintain this LookLook, you must trim your facial hair at least twice per month and shave your neckline with an electric trimmer after shaving around the chin area. To get this LookLook, we recommend using a trimmer with guard settings ranging from 1mm to 3mm.

Credit: Beard4all
The Chin Strap
The chin strap is a versatile look that can be worn with different clothing styles. The chin strap combines beard, mustache, and sideburns extending from under your chin to your cheekbones. In order to get this LookLook, we recommend combing the hair in vertical lines and trimming shorter hair on the bottom half of your face. It would be best if you also tried to grow your sideburns as long as possible so that they extend toward the back of your neck and create an S shape on either side of your face.
Credit: juanfralao
Anchor Beard
The anchor beard is a combination of a goatee and a mustache that extends from the upper lip to the sideburns. To get this LookLook, you will need to grow your facial hair for several months so that it reaches its maximum fullness. Once your facial hair reaches this length, trim it with an electric trimmer so that it sits in short waves along the jawline. After that, use scissors or an electric trimmer to shape your goatee and create a small gap between your moustache and goatee.
Credit: ggrobig
The Soul Patch
The soul patch is characterized by a small goatee and some rock it with a msutache. We recommend using an electric trimmer to keep the edges of your facial hair neat and tidy and trimming your hair around the bottom of your nose with scissors or an electric trimmer. Outline a narrow strip between the two lines to define the soul patch.
Credit: teyelito
The Scruffy beard
he scruffy beard works great for bald men who have some patcyness in their beard.if you are going for thisl ook, dont be afraid to trim it a bit at the top and create a slight fade effect.
Credit: Percy Hicks
The Balbo Beard
The balbo beard is a combination of the mustache, soul patch, and chin strap. To get this LookLook, we recommend growing your facial hair for several months until it reaches its maximum fullness. After that, trim only its bottom half with an electric trimmer so that it sits in short waves along your jawline. Then, use scissors or an electric trimmer to shape your goatee and create parallel lines on either side of your face. Finally, define a narrow strip between the two lines to create a soul patch.
Credit: aleksej1982
The Classic Mustache
Rocking a classic mustache wit ha bit of stubble is a fantastic look for bald men, its masculine and ads character, but you dont have to spend tons of time growing out a full beard.
Credit: salvici
The Duck Tail Beard
To get this LookLook, we recommend trimming your hair on the bottom half of your face with an electric trimmer so that it sits in short waves along your jawline. Then outline a narrow strip between the two lines to create a soul patch. After that, use scissors or an electric trimmer to shape your goatee and moustache to be well-balanced on either side of your face. The duck tail beard combines the soul patch and the mustache that extends from your lips to the sides of your chin.
Credit: dave.vendetta
The Handlebar mustache
The Handlebar mustache is a unique and stylish look characterized by hair that extends from your upper lip to your chin. To get this LookLook, we recommend trimming your face using scissors or an electric trimmer after you shave with an electric shaver. Once done, comb the hair on either side of your mouth so that it sits on your cheeks, and apply a small amount of hair gel to keep it in place. Also, use an electric trimmer to trim longer whiskers on the bottom half of your face so that they sit in short waves along the jawline.
Credit: beard4all
The Square Beard
The square beard is similar to the full beard but the bottom is groomed to be more squared off. This compliments a bald head perfectly and gives your head more shape.
Credit: farmlife.germany
Salt and Pepper
If you have darker hair, then don't be afraid to let a little grey show. It makes you look more distinguished and unique. It's one of our favorite looks, and it works well on bald men.
Credit: bianconero1975
The Faded Beard
the faded beard is similar to a ducktail or corporate beard, but it features a nice fade fro mthe sideburns down the sides of the beard. This gives it a very modern and clean look.
Credit: jugheadjonez
The Full Beard
The full beard is characterized by hair that extends from your upper lip to your chin. To get this LookLook, we recommend trimming your face using scissors or an electric trimmer after you shave with an electric shaver. Once done, comb the hair on either side of your mouth so that it sits on your cheeks, and apply a small amount of hair gel to keep it in place. Also, use scissors or an electric trimmer to trim longer whiskers on the bottom half of your face so that they sit in short waves along the jawline.
The Dutch Beard
The dutch beard combines the moustache and chin strap that extends from your upper lip to your chin. To get this LookLook, we recommend growing your facial hair for several months until it reaches its maximum fullness. Once done, trim only its bottom half with an electric trimmer so that it sits in short waves along your jawline. Then use scissors or an electric trimmer to shape your goatee and create parallel lines on either side of your face.
Credit: Beard4all
Does A Beard Look Good With A Bald Head?
If you have seen the styles we just showed you then you know a beard can look amaizng with a bald head. Even phamous actors like jason statham rock this look. Some guys question if the look will look good on them, or maybe they arent sure if they should go fully bald. But each time we have had this conversation with someone and told the to commit to the look, they never regreted it. So give it a try!
why do some men go bald but have beards?
The answer lies in the difference between hair growth on the scalp and on the face. The hormone responsible for hair growth, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), affects hair follicles differently on the scalp and face. While DHT can cause hair follicles on the scalp to shrink and stop producing hair, it can stimulate facial hair growth. That's why some men may experience hair loss on their scalp but still have a full beard.
Now that you know all these looks, which one is your favorite? Hope this guide has served you well. So now go choose the LookLook that's right for you and follow through on your beard grooming routine to achieve your desired LookLook. Also, try to keep your facial hair manageable because it will leave you with a scraggly beard, while growing a full one isn't that much fun. Remember to keep trimming, so it doesn't grow too long and stick out horizontally from your jawline.
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